A Very Busy Spring

Spring is my favorite time of year. Is it yours too? Life has been so busy that I almost missed watching the birds and tending to my garden.

I enjoy the beauty of spring. How wonderful the air smells and how lush everything looks outside. It's pure heaven in my book. I'm back to feeding the birds who visit me every year. Every morning the sweet birds sing up a storm.
It's a super way to start the day!

I've been away to long and I have missed all my blogging friends! Life has a way of getting so busy. I have many wonderful projects that I can't wait to share. Some will be crafts that I know you will enjoy. The other ones will be updates in my home. I finished painting the staircase and it turned out beautiful. I'm so glad I finally did it!!! It took me a year to decide as you know. Thanks for your help. I will post pictures when I finish some other updates.

My Tudor home needs many updates. Nothing too drastic, but changes that will make my home more inviting. Things that I've been putting off big time. Big projects that take time. I'm finally exciting to get them started. Are you like me and procrastinate?
Are you still dreaming about them??? 

I hope I've inspired you to dream and maybe now start that project you put off -
Have a SUPER Wonderful day!


  1. I missed you! I was so glad when I saw you had posted! Your cloche is beautiful, such lovely photos you brought us today,
    thats one of the good things about blogging, one doesn't have to post everyday, life does get in the way but we are always here for you when you can,

  2. LOVE that cloche!!!
    YOur photos are just beautiful - have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I've missed you. Your photos are so pretty there. So spring is your favorite season - I like to too, but for some reason I like fall.
    Love, sandie

  4. Dee, you have been missed! I'm so happy to see you blogging again! Your Spring vignettes look lovely! I love Spring too. Here, in Georgia, it seems summer is upon us at 80+ degrees! Love all your inspiring photos! Welcome back!

  5. It's ok Dee. Life gets busy and this cancer thing definitely snuck up on me. Thank you for your prayers... Your Spring vignette is so pretty snd inspiring..xoxo Linda

  6. I've been away as well. Isn't it nice to be blogging again?? Your spring post is very fresh and beautiful.

  7. Dee, I was so excited to see your comment, Life gets in the way and it is always more important than blogging any day, but I am so glad to see you and looking forward to all of your projects...Enjoy spring!


  8. Dearest Dee,
    Hope your Mom is okay and that you slowly catch up on your own life again.
    Oh, we're doing still some renovation to the house; inside is done (we hope!). The painters are doing the exterior right now (that was till Friday afternoon and back on Monday...). Will show that later.
    Hugs to you,

  9. Glad to see your back. Looking forward to your new projects and posts. Hope you have a great weekend.

  10. So pretty Dee!~ Glad you took the time to reflect on the beauty of Spring. I love your cloche.

  11. Hi Dee, it's so nice to read your post. I have thought about you and hoped your family was okay. Sometimes life happens and things we enjoy get put on the back burner. Anyway, it was just nice to read your post and know that you are doing fine. Spring is my favorite too!

  12. Can't wait to see all your new posts!!

    So glad you're back!!

  13. Your photos are beautiful!
    Spring is also my favorite season, although in my area it is very short.


Thanks for stopping by! ❤ Dee